Request for Further Negotiations

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This letter is similar to both the acceptance and the refusal, except for an added "if" clause. In other words, you would most likely accept the offer if certain conditions are met or addressed.
Either party can instigate negotiations concerning responsibilities, salary, or benefits. Do not be reluctant to ask for adjustments in the offer if you are sure your request is fair. But assess the situation first to determine whether your request will cost you the job. Remember the employment situation may involve both a buyers' and a sellers' market. Ask yourself how difficult it would be for an employer to find someone else for the position that would accept the original terms of the offer.
What do you include?
- Thank the employer for the offer.
- Make a direct request for further negotiations or write a conditional statement.
- List the points of your contract that require negotiation and state the reasons for the negotiation.
- Suggest that the employer contact you with their opinions about your points of negotiation.