Letter When You Receive a Rejection
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Consider writing a letter even when you receive a rejection. Sometime later when you have had additional experience or training, you may want to apply to the firm once more. The letter shows that you were extremely interested in working for the particular company and states your interest in applying for another position at a later date.
What do you include?
- Thank the company for considering you for the position.
- Discuss your positive impressions of the company during the entire application process.
- Mention the possibility that you may reapply to the company again at a later date.
Reply to a Rejection Model Letter
May 7, 2001
Ernie English
1234 Writing Lab Lane
Write City, IN 12345
Dear Mr. English:
Writing this letter is optional, but doing so is a good idea. It leaves the door open for you to apply to the firm sometime in the future when your qualifications have changed and is a way of maintaining a good relationship with the company. In the opening, thank the company for their time and consideration of your application and qualifications.
Use the body of your letter to discuss your positive impressions of the company. You might mention interviews that you had with company representatives, information you learned about the company during your application process, and any specific people who were particularly helpful or kind to you during the process.
Close the letter by mentioning the possibility of future contact with the company. Remain optimistic and thankful that the company considered your application.
Lucy Letter
123 Winner's Road
New Employee Town, PA 12345