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Follow-up to an Interview

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The interview follow-up, when you have visited a business location, is a courteous letter of acknowledgment. You may also write a follow-up to an interview when your interview took place on campus. It is a good idea to write a follow-up thank you letter anytime a company has invested time with you. The letter should show the reader that you are thorough, courteous, efficient, and sincerely interested in the job. On the personal level, writing this letter allows you to wrap up your application for the job; it is your last chance to tie up all the loose ends neatly.

What do you include?

  • Convey your gratitude at being selected for an interview.
  • The tone of the letter is courteous and thankful.
  • Consider including an analysis of your visit to the company or your interview.
  • This may include impressions of the company itself, analysis of the interview proceedings or new facts you learned about the company.
  • Include any new information about your qualifications or education since your interview.
  • This letter will show the interviewer that you are thorough and sincerely interested in the job.

Follow-up to an Interview Letter Model

April 2, 2001

Ernie English
1234 Writing Lab Lane
Write City, IN 12345

Dear Mr. English:

The purpose of the follow-up to an interview is to convey your thankfulness at being given an interview. In the opening paragraph, thank the interviewer for their time. Thank them for allowing you to learn about the position and the company.

In the body of your letter, present a personal analysis of your interview and visit. It is important to avoid clichés and generalizations such as, "My visit to your company was very informational and interesting." Write about your impressions of the company and your review of the interview proceedings. You may also want to point out any new information that you learned about the company during your visit. If there is any new information about your education or work experience that you believe would be increase your chance of getting the position, present those as well.

In your conclusion it is important to be positive and reflect goodwill. The letter's intent is to show the interviewer that you are thorough, courteous, efficient and, most importantly, that you are sincerely interested in the job. It is likely that sending this letter will set you apart from the crowd.


Lucy Letter
123 Winner's Road
New Employee Town, PA 12345