Giving to the Purdue OWL

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The following resource provides information on how to make gifts to the Purdue Online Writing Lab. Your gifts will enable us to better respond to the needs of writers from all over the globe.
The OWL, located at, received in excess of 248,000,000 visits from people last year utilizing its extensive collection of handouts, PowerPoint presentations, and other resources including podcasts and vidcasts, short video lectures, designed for both students and teachers. The 24-hour access to the OWL enables anyone, from anywhere, at any time to find answers to questions about writing, improve specific writing skills, or discover teaching materials for helping students learn about writing. The OWL is widely referenced and allows Purdue University and the Purdue Writing Lab to aid writers from all over the globe.
Your tax-deductible gift to the OWL would support development of and updates to OWL resources and help keep them free. It also enables us to more dynamically respond to the needs of our users from all over the globe. If you would like to make a donation online, please click on the image below.
To use the Purdue University online donation system, please select "other" when prompted to "Select a Designation Area." Then, in the box marked "Other Instructions," please specify either the Purdue OWL or the Harris Tutor Fund. Test.