Contact the Purdue OWL and Writing Lab Staff
Please note that we no longer accept questions about writing, citation, or grammar via e-mail. If you are affiliated with Purdue, you can get help by scheduling an appointment with a tutor.
Harry Denny - Director
Do you have questions about the Purdue Writing Lab? Contact our Director with questions about the Purdue Writing Lab and about how it can collaborate on research, community engagement, and enhancing teaching and learning.
Vicki Kennell - Associate Director for Graduate and Multilingual Education
Do you have a question about graduate and/or multilingual writer support? Contact Vicki Kennell.
Our Associate Director for Graduate and Multilingual Education coordinates resources and programs for multilingual writing support, develops programs for graduate writing support, participates in staff education for writing consultants, and responds to inquiries about multilingual and graduate writing issues.
Jacob Baumgartner – Associate Director for Undergraduate Education
Do you have a question about undergraduate writer support? Contact Jacob Baumgartner.
Our Associate Director for Undergraduate Education coordinates resources, programs, activities, and outreach efforts around undergraduate writing support for the OWL. He also assists in staff education and the recruiting, hiring, and training of new undergraduate writing consultants. Please contact Jacob if you have questions about undergraduate writing support.
Garrett I. Colón - Associate Director for Purdue OWL in Indianapolis
Do you have a question about the Purdue OWL location on the Indianapolis campus? Contact Garrett Colón.
Our Associate Direcrtor for Purdue OWL in Indianapolis coordinates resources, programs, and outreach efforts at Purdue University in Indianapolis. Please contact Garrett if you have specific questions about events and programs being offered by the OWL on the Indianapolis campus.
Kritika Sharma - Assistant Director of Content Development
Do you have questions about OWL content, copyrights, or technical aspects? The Assistant Director of Content Development handles requests for copyrights and works with other Writing Lab leaders on OWL related projects. Feel free to reach out with OWL feedback, suggestions, and requests for usage.
The Assistant Director of Content Development is responsible for both front and back end site production. They manage OWL content development, infrastructure, and maintenance.
- If you are reporting an error or technical problem in one of our resources, please include the page’s URL in your message.
- Due to the high volume of messages, please allow at least one to two weeks for a response.