Writing Task OWL Resource List

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What kind of writing task do you need to complete? The list below will help you pinpoint the OWL’s resources that will be most helpful for you according to the kind of writing you need to accomplish.
If you’d like to see a complete list of our resources, please visit the OWL's main page.
When You’re Just Beginning Your Writing Task
- Understanding Writing Assignments
- Prewriting (Invention)
- Writer's Block/Writer's Anxiety
- Developing an Outline
- Audience Analysis
When You’re Ready to Compose Your Writing Task
For an Abstract:
For an Academic Research Paper:
Style Guides (for citation format):
For a Bibliography or Annotated Bibliography:
For an Argument or Position Paper:
- Developing Strong Thesis Statements
- Logic in Argumentative Writing
- Organizing Your Argument Presentation
- Introductions, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusions for Argument Papers
For a Book Report or Book Review:
For a Business or Cover Letter:
- Writing the Basic Business Letter
- Business Letters: Accentuating the Positives
- Cover Letter Presentation
- Academic Cover Letters
For a Curriculum Vitae:
For an Email:
For an Exploratory Essay:
For a Literary Analysis Essay:
General Advice:
- Writing About Literature
- Writing a Literary Analysis Presentation
- Literary Theory and Schools of Criticism
Writing About a Novel or Story:
Writing About a Poem:
For a Literature Review:
For a Memo:
For a Narrative or Descriptive Essay:
For a Personal Statement or Statement of Purpose:
For a Poster Presentation:
For a PowerPoint Presentation:
For a Report:
For a Résumé:
For a Visual Analysis Paper:
For a White Paper:
To Revise, Proofread, and Polish Your Writing: