Patient Signalment, Client Information
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- To collect, classify, and record required patient information.
- To identify the relevance and interrelationship of the information as it relates to:
- Diagnosis
- Treatment
- Nursing care
- Patient progress
What to Include
Date and time of admittance: Establishes a starting point for intervention and monitoring
Signalment: Assists with proper identification of the patient, diagnosis, and predilections to traits and conditions as some conditions may be species, breed, gender, age, and color specific. Note: Most signalment information does not change over time. Exceptions to this include acquired markings, age, reproductive status, and means of identification.
Patient identification: Name, number, electronic ID
Gender and reproductive status
Age: In years, months, weeks, or days depending on age of patient
Color: In order of predominance
Distinctive markings: Genetic and acquired (including tattoos, ear notches and cropping, scars, tail docking, etc.)
Client information, including:
- Client name
- Contact information: Patient address also provides geographical history of patient which may help in assessment. Include a second party emergency contact.
- Co-owner information: Important for treatment and euthanasia decisions
- Referring veterinarian if applicable