Distributing Your Video Résumé

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Introduction to Rendering
Once you’ve completed editing your video you will need to export it as a video file. This process can take anywhere from ten minutes to six hours depending on the quality of your source video and the quality of the exported video. When you choose to export your video, your editing program will ask you questions about the aspect ratio (height and width of the video frame) and quality that you will use to export your video. Once your video is rendered it will be ready to distribute to employers.
The Importance of Distribution
Your method of distributing your video résumé will determine how employers find and watch your video, and there are many options available for distribution. Before you decide on one particular method, think about the goals of your specific video résumé, and the way you want your video résumé to work in conjunction with your traditional job documents. Do you want the employer to see the video before the rest of your materials? Does your video work as a stand-alone product? Do you want to distribute your video widely, or for a specific audience? By answering these questions you will have a better idea of what method to choose for distributing your video.
Ways to Distribute Your Video Résumé
Video Platforms
The most basic way to share your video is to upload it to a generic video sharing site like Vimeo or YouTube. There is no guarantee that any employers in your field will find the video if this is your only mode of distribution, but it does increase the ability for your video to be shared with others. If you have a particularly impressive video résumé this might be the only method of distribution you need.
Networking Sites
Many career networking sites, such as Linkedin, CareerBuilder, Jobster, cordon off specific sections for video products. By uploading your video résumé to one of these sites you will ensure that it is seen by potential employers. You will also have some idea of how the video résumé will be coordinated with your other job documents. However, some employers do not check these sites, as they will only look over the documents you send them directly.
Linked to Your Traditional Résumé
You might include a link to your video résumé somewhere in your traditional job application documents. You might, for example, include a link near the top of your résumé, where employers might see the link as they start to skim. You might also mention the video résumé in your cover letter and include the link as well. These methods give you more control over how your video résumé interacts with your traditional documents, but there is also a chance that employers might hesitate to open your link, or even miss the link altogether. Some employers may even be offended by your trying to sneak non-traditional elements into your traditional documents.
Sent Directly to the Employer
By emailing the potential employer a link to your video résumé separate from your other employment documents you ensure that the employer will not skim past your video résumé. This method also gives you greater control over the amount of time between when the employer reads your traditional materials and your video résumé. However, this direct method may also be the least professional way to distribute your video résumé, as it may seem as if you are being too forceful or pushy.