Résumé Sections Part 3

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These two sections are not required for résumés, but you may want to include them if you think it may help you get a job.
Professional Affiliations
The optional professional affiliations section could include your trade groups or labor organizations. This section could be located under objective. Here is a sample professional affiliation section:
United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada, Local 440, May 2009
American Welding Society, August 2006
Other Experiences
The other experiences section lists experiences other than work and school that relate to the job you want. The section should only be included in your résumé if you have room or if you think it will help you get a job. We have omitted this section in one of the sample résumés. The other experiences section can include volunteer work and hobbies related to your job. Here is a sample other experiences section:
Welded steel art and classic car restoration
Click here to download the PDF file containing sample résumés and employment letters.