Résumé Overview Part 1
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What is a résumé?
A résumé is a document that shows your education and job history. A résumé may also include life experiences related to the job you want to get.
Why do I need to do a résumé?
Many employers want workers to write a résumé. Employers use résumés to see who can do a job. Employers also use résumés to read about your past jobs. Your résumé is important because it shows employers what you have done and what you can do. Your résumé should convince an employer to give you an interview.
Even if you do not need a résumé for a certain job, it is good to keep one up to date because it is easier to fill out job applications if you have a résumé to reference.
What should I do if I’m a veteran entering civilian life?
It is important to create your résumé in a way that employers will understand. Creating an effective résumé for your civilian life means you will have to use language people outside the military can understand. For example, in the experience section of your résumé you will need to do some “translating” between military terms and civilian terms:
Military terms: Received and stored bulk and package petroleum, oils, and lubricants products. Issued and dispensed bulk fuels and water from storage and distribution facilities to using units. Selected and submitted samples of petroleum, oils, and lubricants to laboratory for testing. Performed petroleum and water accounting duties (from Army Pamphlet 611-21).
Civilian terms: Coordinated and distributed petroleum products and monitored quality control systems.
If you remember specific details and achievements related to your responsibilities in the military, you should include them:
Coordinated and distributed $1 million in petroleum products per month and monitored quality control systems to ensure a 99.3% average delivery rate.
Click here to download the PDF file containing sample résumés and employment letters.