What if I do not have a qualification the employer is seeking?

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First of all, do not panic. Then, go ahead and apply.
You may decide to not apply for jobs because you feel you lack an important qualification, whether it is the amount of experience or familiarity with a computer program. But you may be hired for another skill you do have!
You also may not realize that you do have a particular qualification. Remember to look at your past accomplishments and employment history. Chances are, you have a skill similar to what the company desires, you just might call it something different.
Consider this list of transferable skills (skills commonly found in most job descriptions) before deciding you are not qualified:
- Ability to meet deadlines
- Ability to work independently
- Computer skills
- Interpersonal skills
- Leadership qualities
- Multi-tasking ability
- Oral communications skills
- Teamwork skills
- Written communications skills