Sentence Punctuation Patterns

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To punctuate a sentence, you can use and combine some of these patterns. For more information on independent and dependent clauses plus independent and dependent markers, see our handouts on those subjects.
Pattern One: Simple sentence
This pattern is an example of a simple sentence:
Independent clause [ . ]
Pattern Two : Compound Sentence
This pattern is an example of a compound sentence with a coordinating conjunction:
Independent clause [ , ] coordinating conjunction independent clause [ . ]
There are seven coordinating conjunctions: and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet.
Pattern Three: Compound Sentence
This pattern is an example of a compound sentence with a semicolon.
Independent clause [ ; ] independent clause [ . ]
Pattern Four: Compound Sentence
This pattern is an example of a compound sentence with an independent marker.
Independent clause [ ; ] independent marker [ , ] independent clause [ . ]
Examples of independent markers are the following: therefore, moreover, thus, consequently, however, also.
Pattern Five: Complex Sentence
This pattern is an example of a complex sentence with a dependent marker.
Dependent marker dependent clause[ , ] Independent clause[ . ]
Examples of dependent markers are as follows: because, before, since, while, although, if, until, when, after, as, as if.
Pattern Six: Complex Sentence
This pattern is an example of a complex sentence with a dependent marker.
Independent clause dependent marker dependent clause [ . ]
Examples of dependent markers are as follows: because, before, since, while, although, if, until, when, after, as, as if.
Pattern Seven
This pattern includes an independent clause with an embedded non-essential clause or phrase
First part of an independent clause [ , ] non-essential clause or phrase, rest of the independent clause [ . ]
A non-essential clause or phrase is one that can be removed without changing the meaning of the sentence or making it ungrammatical. In other words, the non-essential clause or phrase gives additional information, but the sentence can stand alone without it.
Pattern Eight
This pattern includes an independent clause with an embedded essential clause or phrase
First part of an independent clause essential clause or phrase rest of the independent clause [ . ]
An essential clause or phrase is one that cannot be removed without changing the overall meaning of the sentence.