Commas After Introductions

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Introductory Clauses
Introductory clauses are dependent clauses that provide background information or "set the stage" for the main part of the sentence, the independent clause. For example:
(introductory dependent clause, main clause)
(introductory dependent clause, main clause)
Introductory phrases
Introductory phrases also set the stage for the main action of the sentence, but they are not complete clauses. Phrases don't have both a subject and a verb that are separate from the subject and verb in the main clause of the sentence. Common introductory phrases include prepositional phrases, appositive phrases, participial phrases, infinitive phrases, and absolute phrases.
(introductory infinitive phrase, main clause)
(introductory participial phrase, main clause)
(introductory appositive phrase, main clause)
(introductory absolute phrase, main clause)
(introductory prepositional phrases, main clause)
Introductory words
Introductory words like however, still, furthermore, and meanwhile create continuity from one sentence to the next.When to use a comma
Introductory elements often require a comma, but not always. Use a comma in the following cases:
- After an introductory clause.
- After a long introductory prepositional phrase or more than one introductory prepositional phrase.
- After introductory verbal phrases, some appositive phrases, or absolute phrases.
- If there is a distinct pause.
- To avoid confusion.
When not to use a comma
Some introductory elements don't require a comma, and sometimes the subject of a sentence looks like an introductory element but isn't. Do not use a comma in the following cases:
- After a brief prepositional phrase. (Is it a single phrase of fewer than five words?)
- After a restrictive (essential) appositive phrase. (See our document on appositives.)
- To separate the subject from the predicate. (See below.)
Each of the following sentences may look like it requires a comma after the opening segment (marked with an x), but the opening segment is really the subject. It's sometimes easy to confuse gerund- or infinitive-phrase subjects like the following with nonessential introductory phrases, so be careful.