Supplementary Handouts

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Creating supplementary handouts is not a requirement for the research poster genre, however they might be useful for your audence — especially when your poster is featured at academic conferences, for example. Providing handouts of your presentation materials allow your audience to engage directly with the content through a tangible summary of your research.
It is not necessary to include your entire poster or the content of your presentation on a handout, but rather to reiterate the research questions and results. When creating a handout, ensure that the organization of your content allows for accessible reading and utilizes a consistent layout. As a general rule of thumb, be certain to include citations and your contact information, on your handout.
Handout Examples
Below, you'll find supplementary handout examples that coorespond with the horizontal and vertical posters provided in the "Formatting Considerations" section of this resource. Feel free to click on the link to download the individual PDFs or view them here at your convenience.
- Handout Example 1 (PDF)
- Composed by Rachel Atherton
- Handout Example 2 (PDF)
- Composed by Victoria Ruiz