IEEE Overview

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This page will introduce you to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) style for formatting research papers and citing sources. IEEE – pronounced “I-triple-E” – is a style widely used among all branches of engineering, computer science, and other technological fields.
Though the OWL’s section on IEEE is sufficient for quick reference, if you are writing a lengthy manuscript or dissertation, or if you have detailed questions, you should consult the IEEE Editorial Style Manual, available as a PDF through the organization’s website. Alternately, if you are formatting a paper for submission to a specific organization, publication, or event, refer to the formatting guidelines provided by said organization / publication / event and privilege those guidelines over any found here.
The IEEE section contains the following pages:
General Format
- Basic formatting and page layout
- Abstracts, index terms, and other front matter
- Section headings, appendix headings, and similar
- Appendices, acknowledgements and other back matter
In-Text Citation
- Formatting in-text citations
- Citing within a reference
- Citing multiple references at once
Reference List
- Formatting reference page entries
- General principles for formatting references
- Specific instructions for formatting references to various media
Tables, Figures, and Equations
- Distinguishing between tables, figures, and equations
- Formatting tables appropriately
- Formatting labels, titles, captions, etc. appropriately
- Referring to tables, figures, and equations in text.