Indexes for Writers

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Noodle Tools has online tools to help with searching the Internet, creating a bibliography in MLA format, helpful links, and a bulletin board for discussion.
Another source for all kinds of writing activities is John Hewitt's Writing Resource Center.
The Free Online Writing Resource Links Database hosts thousands of writing resource links in a massive online database, including 40+ genres, funds for writers, job listings, education, news, submission calls,and a research library. They also publish Newswatch, FREEdom Inkwell Newsletters and Writers Site News.
Garbl's Writing Resources Online is a collection of sites on the English Language, grammar, style, and references.
Writer's Free Reference is an extensive list of free information on the Internet that could be useful to writers (or anyone else doing research online).
Writing World offers more than 250 articles on just about every aspect of writing (fiction, nonfiction, freelancing, greeting cards, international, etc.), plus over 500 links to other resources,market information, contest listings, and more.