Understanding Job Ads Part 1
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How are job ads organized?
Most job ads are divided into four sections: 1) a job description; 2) a qualifications section; 3) an explanation of what the employee will have to do; 4) application requirements and contact information.
Job Description
This section contains the title and basic description of the job:
Driver/warehouse worker: Hoosier Distribution in Lafayette seeks an entry-level, full-time warehouse worker who can also drive a delivery truck.
Qualifications Section
The qualifications section usually gives the basic qualifications for the position:
Applicants should be dependable and have strong work skills. Applicants should be able to lift and carry 100 pounds, track inventory, and work well in teams. Applicants should also have at least 2 yrs. exp. working in a warehouse, have a good driving record, and be able to use maps and directions to drive non-CDL trucks.
Explanation Section
The explanation section briefly describes what the employee will do on the job:
Warehouse work includes receiving, tracking, and storing merchandise, using hand trucks and manual labor to lift and carry merchandise. Driving includes over night routes in northern Indiana driving non-CDL trucks to deliver merchandise.
Application Requirements and Contact Information
The application requirements and contact information sections will explain what you need to do to apply for the job. The section should also include the address and/or phone number of the employer:
To apply, send cover letter and résumé to: Reggie Lee, Hoosier Distribution
Lafayette Warehouse, 500 Farabee Ct., Lafayette, IN 47905. Apply by June 25.
Click here to download the PDF file containing sample résumés and employment letters.