Application Worksheet Part 4
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You may also include the names and contact information of people for whom you have volunteered or performed odd jobs, such as lawn care or house work. Try to list at least three people as references. You should not use relatives (mother, father, sister, brother, etc.). Also, try to find references from your most previous job, but also from other areas of your life: school, volunteerism, community or religious activities.
Reference 1
Relationship to you (co-worker, boss, supervisor, clergy, etc.)
Name of organization
Street address
ZIP code
What will this person say about you? (While you don’t want to be dishonest, if your relationship with the person is not the best, you may think about using someone else as a reference. Always contact your references to get permission to use them and to let them know potential employers may be contacting them).
Reference 2
Relationship to you (co-worker, boss, supervisor, clergy, etc.)
Name of organization
Street address
ZIP code
What will this person say about you? (While you don’t want to be dishonest, if your relationship with the person is not the best, you may think about using someone else as a reference. Always contact your references to get permission to use them and to let them know potential employers may be contacting them).
Reference 3
Relationship to you (co-worker, boss, supervisor, clergy, etc.)
Name of organization
Street address
ZIP code
What will this person say about you? (While you don’t want to be dishonest, if your relationship with the person is not the best, you may think about using someone else as a reference. Always contact your references to get permission to use them and to let them know potential employers may be contacting them).
Click here to download the PDF file containing sample résumés and employment letters.
Job Search Tools: Resumes, Applications, and Cover Letters by Ronald C. Mendlin and Marc Polonsky with J. Michael Farr. The Putting the Bars Behind You Series. Indianapolis: JIST, 2000.
Some of this information is also adapted from