Follow-Up & Thank You Letters Part 2
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What should my follow-up and thank you letter include?
Your follow-up letter should include these sections:
- Heading
- Date you are writing
- Your mailing address
- Phone number (home, cell)
- Email address
- Address of the employer’s company
- Introduction
- Greeting (a specific person if you know)
- State that you submitted a résumé and cover letter or application
- Ask whether or not the employer has received the documents
- State that you are still interested in the job if it is not filled
- Body paragraph
- Explain that you would like to meet with the employer in person to discuss the job
- State briefly why you would like to work for the company and how you can help
- Offer to resubmit your résumé and cover letter or application, in person if necessary
- Closing
- Provide your phone and email contact information again
- Sign your name
Your thank you letter should include these sections:
- Heading
- Date you are writing
- Your mailing address
- Phone number (home, cell)
- Email address
- Address of the employer’s company
- Introduction
- Greeting (a specific person if you know)
- Thank the employer for taking the time to interview you
- Mention the specific position
- State that you are interested in the job if it is not filled
- Body paragraph
- Explain that you understand the challenges of the position but are willing and eager to work for the company
- Explain briefly how you will help the company
- Closing
- Explain that it was a pleasure meeting with the employer to discuss the job
- State that you look forward to hearing back from the employer about what to do next
- Provide your phone and email contact information again
- Sign your name
Please note that your letters need to be free of spelling and grammatical errors. You should also avoid using contractions: won’t, can’t, I’ll. Instead, spell out these words: Will not, cannot, I will.
What should I include in my heading?
The heading is at the top of your cover letter and includes the date, your name, mailing address, and phone number(s). If you have an email account, provide that here. Note that your email address should be professional. In other words, an email address that reads is not acceptable. The heading should contain the mailing address of the employer. Here is a sample heading:
June 9, 2009
Karl M. Jones
900 N. 7th St. Apt. 6
Lafayette, IN 47904
Alex Carson
Manger, A & D Industries
1437 State Route 26
Lafayette, IN 47904
Click here to download the PDF file containing sample résumés and employment letters.