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Follow-Up & Thank You Letter Overview

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What are follow-up and thank you letters?

A follow-up letter is a document that applicants send to employers to make sure the company has received the applicant’s résumé and cover letter or application. A thank you letter is a document that applicants send to employers to thank the employer for her time in reviewing a résumé or cover letter. Applicants also send thank you letters after conducting an interview with an employer.

Why do I need to do a follow-up or thank you letter?

You should send a follow-up letter if you have not heard from an employer for two weeks after submitting your résumé and cover letter. You should send a thank you letter if you have interviewed for a job.

How should I follow up on my résumé and cover letter?

You should allow ten days before calling or emailing the employee about your résumé and cover letter. When you contact the employer, remember that they are probably busy. Your résumé and cover letter are very important to you, but the employer is probably doing her job as well as reviewing other cover letters and résumés. Try to be patient. However, it is perfectly acceptable to ask about your job application documents ten days after submission.

Also remember that the goal of your résumé and cover letter is to get an interview for the job opening. When you follow up on your cover letter and résumé, first ask whether or not the employer has received your documents. If the employer received the documents, ask if she has had time to review them. If so, ask if she is setting up interviews yet.

If the employer has not received your résumé and cover letter in the past ten days, offer to resend the documents and double check the employer’s mailing address and contact person. You should also offer to drop off your résumé and cover letter in person. Remember to dress professionally if the company expects it.

How should I follow up on my interview?

You should send a thank you letter after you interview for a job. Sending a thank you letter is professional, and it shows you are still interested in the job. A thank you letter also show that you appreciate the employer taking the time to meet and speak with you. Lastly, a thank you letter reminds the employer about you.

Click here to download the PDF file containing sample résumés and employment letters.