Skills Résumé Sample

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Media File: Skills Résumé Sample
The skills style is well suited to students who have gained valuable experience through a number of unrelated jobs and courses. This format is also appropriate for people who are making a significant change in careers. It emphasizes what you can do, not where you have worked. Applicable skills can be established through any activities that you feel will demonstrate your qualifications: courses, work, volunteer activities, personal life, and so forth.
For example, if you talked to customers as you waited on them at McDonald's, investigated shipper's presentations in a psychology course, you have demonstrated communications skills. However, try to match your skills to the position you are applying for. If you are applying for a Customer Service Representative position, you might list the McDonald's and the moving company activities under a heading called Customer Service Skills.
Click on the "Media File" link above to see the skills résumé sample.