Functional Résumé Sample

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Media File: Functional Résumé Sample
This style is one of the most commonly used résumé styles, and it works well for people who have had internships or cooperative experiences. This type of résumé highlights previous work experience that has given you background experience for the job you are seeking.
If you chose this résumé style, you might want to try listing the company name first if you have worked for a particularly prestigious company. Otherwise, listing the title first gives the employer a good sense of your work progress and duties. However, you should be consistent in using either title first or company first. You can also skip any jobs that do not apply, and you do not have to put the jobs in chronological order. It usually looks best to list the most important or impressive job first and work downward in importance regardless of the dates of employment.
Click on the "Media File" link above to see the functional résumé sample.