Mechanical Engineering Writing Enhancement Program
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The resources in this section were created for Purdue University's School of Mechanical Engineering's Writing Enhancement Program. While the resources contain specific information related to the program, the resources also provide mechanical engineers and mechanical engineering students general information about writing in the engineering field.
Memo Writing
This resource contains a PDF of excerpts from a sample memo that corresponds to three vidcasts about memo writing in engineering.
90-Second Semicolon Vidcasts
This resource contains a link to the Purdue OWL YouTube Channel that houses a three-part vidcast series on semicolon use.
Report Writing
We have multiple vidcasts on how to write engineering reports. Click here to see a list of our current vidcasts.
We are currently working on more vidcasts for writing in engineering. Please check back for more links, subsribe to the Purdue OWL YouTube Channel, or view our Writing in Engineering playlist, which has all of the writing in engineering vidcasts.
For more information on writing engineering reports, visit this page on the OWL.