EPICS: Project Charter

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Guidelines for EPICS Project Charters
Project Charter Elements:
- Cover Page Include your project title, partner organization(s), and the names of the team members and contact information (e.g., email addresses).
- Description Describe and summarize what you or your team will be doing and the motivation for the project. This short summary will allow all those involved or affected by the project to understand what is needed. Include the needs of the community that you are addressing.
- Objectives List the project objectives. Why are you doing the project? What will you or your team achieve? What issues is your team addressing that would not be addressed otherwise? What are the problems you are solving with this community partner?
- Outcomes or deliverables What are going to be the project results? When the project is finished, what will be left behind by you and your team? Be specific. When you have achieved these outcomes, everyone should understand you have completed the project.
- Duration When will the project be started, and when will it meet the objectives and deliver the outcomes?
- Community Partners With whom are you serving on this project? Who will benefit from the project? Who will receive the project outcomes or deliverables?
- Stakeholders Who will be affected by your project other than your customer? Who has a vital interest in the project's success? Stakeholders are other who will need to be kept informed of the project's progress, outcomes, and results.
Why Write and Present a Project Charter?
- To articulate the objectives of and motivation for your project
- To demonstrate your understanding of the larger issues and context of your project
- To serve as a communication tool between your team and your project partner