Avoiding Plagiarism

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Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting: A Comparison
This 10-minute activity helps raise students’ awareness to the similarities and differences among summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting as they prepare to use these strategies in an effort to avoid plagiarism.
Peer Summarizing
This 45 to 90-minute activity allows students to practice writing their own summaries as well as evaluate summaries written by their peers.
Anonymous Paraphrasing
This 45 to 70-minute activity gives students the chance to practice paraphrasing a short passage and anonymously review each other’s work as a class.
Paraphrasing from Media
This 35-minute activity provides students practice with paraphrasing visual and multimedia texts.
Using In-text Citations
This 50-minute activity first offers students various examples of how to cite a single passage. Students are then asked to practice writing their own in-text citations with another text, following the examples they’ve been given. The supplemental handout for this activity offers a variety of examples on how to integrate an original source text into one’s own writing.
Quoting Others
This 40-minute activity asks students to practice quoting an original source. The supplemental handout for this activity offers useful templates for students to use when both quoting as well as interpreting a quote in their own work.
Summary, Paraphrase, and Quotation in Context
This 35-minute activity asks students to analyze and evaluate example summaries, paraphrases, and in-text citations in a given sample essay.