Writing for an Indian Business Audience: Samples

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The following letter is an example of writing for an Indian business audience
D.O.NO.F.7-5/2007-Desk (MDM)
Subject: Sales Presentation
Mrs. S. J. Kumar Vice President of Marketing Electrical Supply Company Rising Star Industrial Complex Bhubaneswa, Orissa – 751007 India
Dear Mrs. Kumar:
I am writing to provide more information on the sales presentation taking place on Friday, 15 June.
The merchandise samples, brochures, and presentation slides have all been prepared, and our sales team is in the process of tailoring their presentation to the particular needs of your company. I have enclosed a copy of the brochure and photographs of the merchandise samples for you to inspect. Right now, we believe the presentation will take about one hour. If you would like more or less time, we are very flexible and would be happy to accommodate you.
Please do not hesitate to e-mail (NAME@company.co.in) if you have any questions. I am looking forward to meeting you in person on the fifteenth.
Yours sincerely,
Your Name
Your Title