Cover Letters

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These resources will help you understand and write successful cover letters. To use these pages, you may select links in the navigation bar on the left, you may select links from the list below, or you may advance through the pages using the links at the bottom of each page. Click here to download the PDF file containing sample résumés and employment letters.
The cover letter pages are organized into the following sections:
- Cover letter overview
- What is a cover letter?
- Why do I need to do a cover letter?
- What should I do if I'm a veteran transitioning into civilian life?
- What should I do if I'm a transitioning automotive industry worker?
- What should I do about any times I was not working?
- What should I do if I have been incarcerated?
- Cover letters part 1
- What should my cover letter look like?
- What should my cover letter accomplish?
- Cover letters part 2
- What should I do before I start writing?
- What are the sections I should include in my letter?
- Cover letters part 3
- Headings
- Introductions
- Addressing your letter
- Cover letters part 4
- Body paragraphs
- Closings
- Cover letters part 5
- How should I follow up on my cover letter and résumé?