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General Guidelines on Preparing a Scannable Résumé

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When required to submit a scannable résumé, you should check with the potential employer regarding specific guidelines. The following are general guidelines to avoid having your résumé overlooked.


  • Note that it is acceptable to have a one-and-a-half to two page résumé.
  • Left justify the entire document.
  • Place your name at the top of the page on its own line.
  • Use standard address format below your name.
  • If you have more than one address, one should be placed on top of the other.
  • List each phone number on its own line.
  • Avoid vertical and horizontal lines, graphics, and boxes/tables.
  • Avoid using special characters such as bullets.
  • Avoid punctuation as much as possible. The computer might not recognize a word with a comma or period after it. If you must have punctuation, be sure it does not touch the word.


  • Use standard serif fonts such as Times New Roman, Courier, and Palatino or sans serif fonts such as Arial, Futura, and Univers.
  • Use a font size of 10 to 12 points.
  • Avoid fancy font styles such as italics, underline, and shadows.
  • Boldface and capital letters are acceptable as long as the letters do not touch each other.
  • Avoid condensing the space between letters because they may touch.
  • Provide white space between words. For example, separate the area code from a phone number with a space rather than parentheses: 555 123 - 4567 (also notice the space before and after the hyphen).


  • Research the industry or position you are interested in to make yourself familiar with the keywords in the particular industry.
  • Use keywords that appear in the job description in describing your qualifications.
  • Use more phrases and nouns than action verbs. For example, instead of writing "designed promotional materials" use a noun such as "promotions designer" or "designer of promotions."
  • Use only those abbreviations that are familiar with your field of study.
  • Create a keyword summary section at the beginning of your résumé.