Answer : Comma Exercise 4

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Correct answers are in bold.
1. The girl with the bright, friendly smile wore a bright green scarf to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.
2. As he read the Chekhov story, he became aware of the Russian's genius.
3. Dauphin Island, located off the coast of Alabama, is a favorite spot for fishing.
4. She was, as a matter of fact, mainly interested in showing off her vocabulary.
5. I often go to the seashore and collect rocks there.
6. Before reaching the summit, the climbers were forced by a storm to turn back.
7. Did you know that James Agee, the novelist and poet, was also a film critic?
8. Lady Jane Grey was the queen of England from July 10, 1553, to July 19, 1553.
9. Joseph registered for English 101, History 204, and Biology 106.
10. After discussing "Rain," we agreed that Somerset Maugham could really tell a good story.
11. Squaw Valley, California, the scene of the winter Olympics in 1960, is a ski resort.
12. Tomorrow, I believe, is the last day to register to vote in the November general election.
13. To perform well on Saturday afternoon, the athlete must train every day of the week.
14. Understanding history increases your understanding of today's world.
15. Meg Fischer, my cousin, hopes to graduate from law school in two years.
16. He reads everything: road maps, want ads, and cereal boxes.
17. Having cut the roses, she decided to bring them to her friend in the hospital.
18. "When," Jaime asked, "will you return my book?"
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