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A Welcome from the Directors

Greetings from the Purdue OWL! We continue to work on revising our site to better assist you, our users, in finding information about our Lab.

As always, the center of our work is one-to-one tutorials with students. Our trained tutors assist all undergraduate and graduate students working on any writing project, at any stage of the writing process.

We also offer services specifically for students studying across disciplines or from a variety of communities, for students who come from multilingual backgrounds, for students developing graduate school documents, and for students working on employment. Please check out the main menu for more information about these and other services.

If you have any questions or comments about the On-Campus Writing Lab, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Harry Denny, Professor of English and Director of the Purdue OWL

Vicki Kennell, Associate Director for Graduate and Multilingual Education

Jacob Baumgartner, Associate Director for Undergraduate Education

Garrett I. Colón - Associate Director for Purdue OWL in Indianapolis