Answer : Sentence Fragments Exercise 2

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Here are some suggested answers. Incorrect segments are in italics with justifications and corrected sentences in bold. You may have had other solutions.
1. How can a person find patriotism in a local night club? Well, it did not take me too long. About four weeks ago in a little night club in Louisville, Kentucky, a couple of my friends, Rick and Lon, the duo who were providing the entertainment that night for the club. (dependent clause)
2. For the past twenty years, the Survey Research Center at the University of Michigan has been measuring the level of Americans' trust and confidence in their politicians and quasi-political trust and confidence in their political institutions and their leaders. "Political" being all levels of government, and "quasi-political" churches, labor unions, large professional/business associations, educational institutions, and the like. The result is that a very sharp decline has taken place every year since 1964. (no main verb)
3. For 200 years Americans believed in better jobs, better homes, a better life for one's children. This confidence no longer exists. Polls now indicate that fewer Americans feel they are better off today than they were five years ago. A public-opinion analysis group has found that large numbers of Americans, at some times and in some places, see themselves as lower on the ladder. Adding worse living conditions and anticipation of further decline over the next five years. (dependent clause)
4. Well, in looking at the picture at the left you see an old lady. She has a very funny look on her face. As if she's lonely and just wants to be left alone. She also looks as if she has seen a lot and experienced lots of things. (dependent clause)
5. A president is an appointed leader. Someone who is a decision maker in the executive branch of our government. (no main verb) This doesn't necessarily mean that the person the people elect is capable. Just hopefully assumes. (no subject) Assumes through his past record as a politician, over the years' buildup of experience and handling situations. (no subject)