Answer : EI/IE Spelling Rules Exercise 2

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1. I have to believe to achieve.
2. Look at that spider on the ceiling.
3. Judson could not conceive of such treachery.
4. Weigh your produce at the register.
5. The shower was a relief after the hot day.
6. The blood in my veins ran cold at the sight of King Kong.
7. I'll need a receipt for this purchase.
8. Did you perceive how Jan yielded the floor to Tom?
9. The battle was fought during the reign of Ethelred the Unready.
10. How could he have deceived us as he did?
11. He packed a toothbrush in a bandana and hopped a freight train.
12. That piece of limburger cheese really smells!
13. Joe may be a dope, but he's no fiend.
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