Answer : Affect/Effect Spelling Exercise
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Correct answers are in bold.
1. Wars affect everybody, and their destructive effects last for generations.
2. Television has a strong effect on public opinion.
3. My mood can affect my thinking, too.
4. I see that you're trying to affect apathy, but I know that you really do care.
5. Falling on my head had a bad effect on my memory.
6. His years of smoking have negatively affected his health.
7. This plan will surely effect significant improvements in our productivity.
8. The patient shows normal affect and appears to be psychologically stable.
9. The principal's new rules affected the school.
10. Supply and demand have a direct effect on the prices of commodities.
11. The effect of the speech was visible on the faces of the sleeping audience.
12. He's just trying to seem cool; his indifference is completely affected.
13. We may never know the full effect of the radiation leak.
14. The early frost will affect the crops.
15. What kind of effect can this quiz have on your dinner tonight?
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