Answer : Appositive Exercise

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Correct answers are in bold.
1. My son, the policeman, will be visiting us next week.
2. The captain ordered the ship's carpenters to assemble the shallop, a large rowboat.
3. Walter, the playboy and writer, is very attached to his mother, Mrs. Hammon.
4. Paul Newman, the famous American actor, directed five motion pictures.
5. Elizabeth Teague, a sweet and lovable girl, grew up to be a mentally troubled woman.
6. Sweetbriar, a company known throughout the South, is considering a nationwide advertising campaign.
7. As an above-average student and talented musician, John made his family proud.
8. The extremely popular American film Titanic was widely criticized for its mediocre script.
9. Citizen Kane, the greatest American film ever made, won only one Academy Award.
10. 60 Minutes , the TV news magazine program, featured a story on the popular singer Whitney Houston.
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