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This page houses lists of links to resources that may be of use in remote/online writing courses. Compiled in response to the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, these lists are intended to help K-12 writing teachers who have been forced to rapidly adapt to online instruction. However, experienced online instructors may find these links useful as well.

Note: This page will be updated as the OWL staff becomes aware of additional resources. If you are aware of a suitable resource that isn't listed here, please notify the OWL Coordinator via our Contact page. Though we may not be able to respond to every message individually, we thank you in advance.

Note also: Per the OWL's fair use guidelines, instructors may link to, cite, or quote OWL resourses as they wish so long as they use the material in these resources for non-commercial educational purposes (as well as giving credit). There are slightly more restrictive guideline when reproducing OWL content in the form of, e.g., printed handouts. Consult the fair use page for more information.

OWL Resources

Note that the links below direct you to the home page or landing page in each section. Use the navigation menu (at left if you're using a desktop; below page content if you're using a mobile device) to view the individual pages in each section.

Page Name Description
OWL Exercises A wide variety of exercises covering fundamental writing topics like grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and more.

ESL Instructor Resources

ESL Student Resources

Pages designed to help English-as-Second-Language (ESL) teachers and their students tackle common English-language writing tasks.
Creative Writing Resources Topics related to the writing of fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and more.
Writing in Literature Resources Resources that explain how to analyze fiction and poetry for deep thematic content, in addition to other tasks.
Resources for Grades 7-12 Students and Instructors Links to a variety of OWL pages pertaining specifically to writing concerns common in middle school and high school writing courses. Some pages overlap with other items this list.
APA 7th Edition Overview and Workshop The introduction to the OWL's popular guide to the latest edition of APA Style.
MLA 8th Edition Overview and Workshop The introduction to the OWL's popular guide to the latest edition of MLA Style.
Research Overview Resources Resources offering a brief but comprehensive guide to the research skills that are essential to nonfiction writing.
Academic Writing Resources A variety of resources covering issues of style, format, voice, and organization relevant to producing polished academic writing.
Writing Process Resources A set of pages offering guidance on the practical aspects of writing. Topics include how to find a topic, how to proofread, how to deal with writer's block, and more.
Common Writing Assignment Resources A wide variety of guides on common writing assignments like research papers, book reports, argumentative essays, and more.
Professional/Technical Writing Resources Pages covering an assortment of topics relevant to writing in the workplace.


External Resources

Page Description
NCTE Online Learning Resources A variety of resources for online writing education offered by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).
NAEP Writing Assessments Public resources made available by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Sample Writing Questions and may be especially useful for K-12 teachers, as well as writing handouts for grades 8/12.
AP English Language and Composition Classroom Resources A selection of teaching materials for English/composition courses offered by the College Board.
Eli Review Describe-Evaluate-Suggest Framework for Peer Review A video outlining an effective strategy for peer review that can be used to offer students guidance during remote peer review activities.

AP English Literature and Composition Classroom Resources

A set of teaching materials for the College Board's AP Literature and Composition class.

National Writing Project Writing Resources

A wide variety of resources for teachers from the National Writing Project, especially useful for K-12 teachers. 

ReadWriteThink Writing Resources

A set of pedagogical materials for writing teachers in grades K-12 including activities and guidelines. Not specifically geared for online teaching, but useful in any setting/can be adapted.
CCCC Writing Teaching Resources A large collection of various resources including syllabi, assignments, and guidance for teaching writing at the college level, not specifically geared toward online teaching but useful for teachers in any setting. Includes also a list of open-source textbooks that may be particularly useful for online writing teachers & students.