OWL Exercises

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Welcome to the OWL Exercise Pages
To navigate the OWL exercises, please use the navigation bar on the left. You may also print the exercises and the exercise answers by using the "Print this Resource" bottom at the bottom of this page.
If you cannot find an exercise you have used in the past, or if you have a suggestion for adding an exercise, please let us know. As always, please contact either of the Assistant Directors of Content Development if you have any questions. We value your feedback. Thank you.
Note: Users may notice that the OWL exercises no longer offer the dropdown option. The reason we had to eliminate this is because the OWL staff is dedicated to the W3C and Section 508 compliance guidelines, which were a major consideration for the original OWL redesign in 2006. Unfortunately, the dropdown options in the original OWL exercises did not comply with W3C and section 508 standards because the dropdowns cannot be used with some adaptive technologies. The new exercises can be used with adaptive technologies.