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Model for Writing an Inquiry about a Cover Letter and Resume

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March 16, 2001

Ernie English
1234 Writing Lab Lane
Write City, IN 12345

Dear Mr. English:

This document should loosely reflect your cover letter. In this opening paragraph, restate the position for which you applied, and state that you are still interested. You may also wish to include a forecasting statement. This is a brief sentence explaining why you feel qualified to fill the position at hand.

In the second paragraph, briefly restate the qualifications listed in your cover letter. Since brevity is always important in employment related letters, remember to include only your most recent and relevant qualifications. In order to avoid restating your resume, give situational examples of your qualifications. If there have been any new additions to your resume, add those as well. Here too, avoid simply restating your resume since it will be included with your letter.

Finally, in the closing paragraph, restate your contact information and when you are available. Close the letter so that the employer knows that you are still sincerely interested in the job.


Lucy Letter
123 Winner's Road
New Employee Town, PA 12345

You may use these resources for working class job positions: Job Search Documents for Working Class Positions