Drafting Your Document
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Writing is a process. Once you’ve completed your research and planning stages, your next step will likely be the drafting stage. Here, graduate writers often begin to consider the structure and content of their document in more detail and how to frame their work for their readers.
The Drafting your Document vidcasts offer perspective at multiple levels of the drafting process. In Articulating a Research Agenda, graduate writers will consider how to craft research questions and define a research agenda. In Creating a Research Space, writers will be introduced to the CARS Model, a framework for crafting helpful introductions. The last two vidcasts in this series detail organization at the document and paragraph levels to help writers craft texts that meet readers’ expectations and utilize strategies that maximize clarity before they head into the revising and editing stages.
Note: closed captions and transcripts are available for all videos
On this page:
Articulating a Research AgendaCreating a Research SpaceOrganization at the Document LevelOrganization at the Paragraph Level |
Articulating a Research Agenda
Handouts: "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title" (linked as PDFs)
Creating a Research Space
Handouts: "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title" (linked as PDFs)
Organization at the Document Level
Handouts: "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title" (linked as PDFs)
Organization at the Paragraph Level
Handouts: "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title" (linked as PDFs)