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Revising and Editing

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After completing the first draft of a project, graduate writers may need to return to the planning stage to develop additional research or reconsider their purpose; others will be able to move on to the revising and editing process.

In this content suite, vidcasts explore the differences between revising and editing and key strategies for each process. After this, graduate writers will be invited to explore additional topics related to revising and editing, including the differences between sentence types, methods for building clearer sentences, and strategies for writing concisely. If you encounter difficulties at the revision stage, our Project Planning vidcasts identify goal-setting and strategies and writing support resources.


Note: Closed captioning and a full transcript are available for these videos


On this page:

Revising vs. Editing
Sentence Types
Sentence Clarity
Writing Concisely

Revising vs. Editing

Handouts: "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title" (linked as PDFs)

Transcript PDF



Handouts: "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title" (linked as PDFs)

Transcript PDF



Handouts: "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title" (linked as PDFs)

Transcript PDF


Sentence Types

Handouts: "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title" (linked as PDFs)

Transcript PDF


Sentence Clarity

Handouts: "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title" (linked as PDFs)

Transcript PDF

Writing Concisely

Handouts: "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title" (linked as PDFs)

Transcript PDF