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Getting Started with Graduate Writing

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Often times the hardest part of writing is getting started. Graduate students navigating several complex writing projects may find that each project needs dedicated time and space to organize ideas or requires different approaches.

The Getting Started with Graduate Writing vidcasts offer active and targeted reading strategies for articles and books. The ultimate goal of active reading is understanding the text’s relevance to your needs; the ultimate goal of targeted reading is identifying the most important sections of the text to maximize your time. These vidcasts also explore how to read critically in order to evaluate the efficacy and accuracy of the text and look to the future to identify additional texts and uses for these texts once you enter the drafting stage.


Note: Closed captioning and a full transcript are available for these videos


On this page:

Approaching Articles
Targeted Reading for Articles
Approaching Books
Targeted Reading for Books
Reading Critically
Planning for the Future


Approaching Articles 

Handouts: "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title" (linked as PDFs)

Transcript PDF

Targeted Reading for Articles

Handouts: "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title" (linked as PDFs)

Transcript PDF

Approaching Books

Handouts: "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title" (linked as PDFs)

Transcript PDF 

Targeted Reading for Books

Handouts: "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title" (linked as PDFs)

Transcript PDF 

Reading Critically

Handouts: "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title" (linked as PDFs)

Transcript PDF

Planning for the Future

Handouts: "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title", "Handout Title" (linked as PDFs)

Transcript PDF